Treatment Modalities

More than anything, I hold a fundamental belief in a person’s inherent goodness and a person’s inherent ability to grow, develop and change. I believe my client always knows herself or himself better than anyone else, and I try to approach each session with this in mind. I practice from a Strength Based Perspective first and foremost. I respect and care immensely about each person with whom I work and their well being regardless of their issue or diagnosis. These are foundational factors in all my clinical relationships regardless of specific intervention or treatment modality needed for effective treatment.

Throughout my years of practice, I have found different evidence based theories are useful for various clinical issues and tend to work in tandem with multi layer intervention. For example,  I find a humanistic environment maximizes therapeutic growth; cognitive and behavioral intervention changes encourage efficient coping advancement, and psychodynamic work can often resolve more fundamental psychological issues and stabilize lasting change. Because of this, I have had training in a multi-disciplined approach and integrated this approach into my practice.